BID 1 & 2 (2015-2025)

In our first term, which ran from 2015 until 2020, Hereford BID delivered a series of fantastic projects in response to the consultation with levy-payers and key stakeholders in the city centre. In the second term 2020-2025 the projects were maintained where possible throughout COVID lock-downs and built on as part of the recovery plan for Hereford. Many new events were added or developed into bigger events such as the Christmas, Dino, Easter & Halloween events. The hanging basket programme grew in strength with over 500 baskets now displayed from May to September each year. The bID also tackled a number of important safety and security issues through the Team Hereford meetings and DISC App.

Hereford Experience

You told us Hereford needed to look smarter, cleaner and more welcoming. We introduced the Handy Team who are dedicated to street improvements, from remove chewing gum to spreading TLC around the city centre.

We also provided a voice for business on city centre improvements in High Town and Commercial Street, flowers to brighten up summer months, and tackled well known ‘grot spots’

Increasing Footfall

You told us you wanted more people to come to Hereford and to stay longer. We delivered a major new event: the Ferrous Festival of Artist Blacksmithing which attracted 10,000 new visitors to Hereford in 2017 and 45,000 new visitors in 2019, plus seasonal events and trails to encourage visitors year round.

Free Wi-Fi was provided for the city centre with footfall data collected and shared with you each week. The Hereford City Life brand was developed to provide a consumer voice for the city and online promotion for businesses and city events.

Safety & Security

You told us Hereford is a safe place, but you wanted rapid response to problems and a reduction in anti-social behaviour. We formed Team Hereford in partnership with the Police and Council to target and reduce crime and invested in DISC, an online app that records and shares information about anti-social behaviour and crime.

We also worked with Vennture to provide Street Pastors for the day time and provide a friendly welcome and signposting service.

Getting Here, Getting About

You told us that getting to and around Hereford needed improvement so we delivered distinctive signage around the city centre, seasonal free-parking, and a louder voice for businesses on parking and road issues.