Guided Walks in Hereford

Hereford is an historic Cathedral City with a fascinating past and a busy present. Its modern origins lie in the 7th century and its strategic site on the Wye, in the much disputed borderland between England and Wales, made it as important to the Saxons as to the Normans and their successors.

The City played a leading part in the events before and after the Norman Conquest, through the turbulent Middle Ages and during the Civil War. It developed as a quiet market town and Cathedral City. Today it is vibrant and thriving rural city, a home to just 61,000 people and a focal point of a rich farming area.

Explore our city and learn more about its history with a guided walk.

Hereford Guild of Guides

Hereford Guided Walks start at 11.30 from the North porch of the Cathedral every day during the summer season, normally from the week before Easter until the end of October.

The guide takes the small group, usually ten or so, on a stroll taking about one and a half hours around the city centre, imparting information and stories about the history, culture and characters involved with Hereford. Tickets can be purchased from the Cathedral shop; on Sundays walks are at 14.30 and tickets are available from the guide.

In addition at any time of year groups may book these historic walks or other themed walks; these include ‘Haunted Hereford’ and ‘Elgar in Hereford’. Date and times can be arranged to suit.

Visit Guild of Guides Website


About the Guild of Guides

Hereford Guild of Guides has celebrated over 40 years of succes. In 1981 it was formed and later recognised by the Mayor of Hereford, hence the qualified guides proudly wear their official ‘Mayor’s guide’ badges when leading walks around the city. All are volunteers who have studied the history of the city.

Learn more about Guided Walks in Hereford by visiting the Guild of Guides website. Find FAQs, details of booked tours, daily walks, talks and more.