Summer Pavement Deep Clean
Creating a welcoming environment for locals and visitors is at the heart of The Hereford Experience, one of Hereford BID's three project strands. So, with reports from businesses and visitors that the city's streets are not currently looking their best, the Hereford BID team have stepped in to help make sure Hereford's streets can continue to welcome all who visit.
Like many local businesses, we have been disappointed to see our pavements so mucky; sadly the combination of sustained hot weather, gulls splitting bin bags and no hot water deep-cleaning routine in the city centre has left Hereford's streets covered in baked-on detritus.
To tackle this, our Handy Team will be dedicating time on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for the next eight weeks to target the areas most in need of attention, using our high-pressure pavement cleaner. While not designed to cover large areas at a time, this equipment will help us address the worst of the staining and build up.
Mike Truelove, CEO at the Hereford BID commented, "due to the lack of rain, spillages from split bin bags, active gulls combined with sustained hot weather – our pavements have become particularly stained with ‘baked-on detritus’ that is not being washed away by wet weather. Also, the absence of a routine deep clean does not help whereas other cities have this as standard. We use our own equipment for tasks such as these which is 100% funded by local businesses. We are completely independent of any other organisation and work exclusively for our members to attract footfall".
If your business has any questions about street cleaning or any of the other street enhancement services provided by the Hereford BID Handy Team, please contact us at info@herefordbid.co.uk