Hereford Vegan Market 2023
Food & Drink
Save The Date!
This FREE public event will run from Maylord Orchards Trinity Square, through Gomond Street and in to Commercial Street and Hereford High Town.
The Vegan Market will showcase a variety of Vegan Food vendors , artisan crafts, bakers and brewers, alongside local community groups and charities and MORE!!
Want to get involved and book a stall at this exciting event?
Please email Karina Cullen : CentreManagerMaylords@herefordshire with the following information:
Name of your business/what vegan products you will be selling and contact telephone number.
If you have any questions, please phone Karina Cullen - Maylord Orchards Event Manager: : Tel: 07792 882 203
You can also find out the latest on our Maylord Orchards Facebook Page
Phone:01432 383653